
your life.





>> Saturday, November 21, 2009

squish is such a fitting name for this little experiment.
it's what i do. it encompasses so much in five little letters.


i squish into my jeans every morning.
i squish my kids as they run out the door.
i squish the dishes into the dishwasher.
i squish being a work-at-home mom together with being a stay-at-home mom.
i squish my baby girl's chubby little cheeks as often as i can get away with.
i squish around in the shower.
i squish my workout in between all the squishing.


i squish everything in.

it's what you do, too.

smile! squish together a little more!

what? you squish into your jeans, too?

don't act like you don't know what i'm talking about!

it also ends with ish, which is my very favorite suffix.

stay-at-home mom-ish
work-at-home mom-ish
interior decorator-ish

fill-in-the-blank and add "ish" and you've got yourself a perfect description of just about anything. certainly a perfect description of me and my life. i suppose that is an indicator that i never do anything to it's full potential. because i can't do just one thing at a time.  i must be insanely busy and do many. it's a sickness. i've got myself a generous collection of hats, you could say. but i do try to wear each of them with style and panache. which earns me the "ish" part. or else the suffix might be n't. (i know that's not a suffix, but work with me)

now i've said squish and ish too many times and they sound weird. shoot.


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i think i really love photography. along with millions of friends along with me. no wonder it's such a fad - get a decent camera and you are an instant artist. well, there's potential, anyway.

this is def a lifelong hobby with lifelong learning involved. i'm thrilled to be a part of it.

a huge shout-out and thank you to emily clark for inspiring it all. i had never, ever seen pictures like hers. and never have since. her passion for color and her mad foto skillz rubbed off on me from the moment i saw her blog. i saw her blog thanks to a friend i met on babycenter - she lives in cedar, too. she did mommy models and now i'm hooked on wink fotos.

awe. passion. love. beauty. depth. definition. personality. fun. they are what i search for. what i seek through the lens.

only time will tell if i've found them...

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